学术诚信 Resolution Process


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最靠谱的网赌软件 is committed to 学生' personal and academic success. In order to achieve this vision, 学生, 教师, and staff work together to create an environment that provides the best opportunity for academic inquiry and learning. All 学生 must be honest and forthright in their academic studies. Your work in this course and classroom behavior must align with the expectations outlined in the 学生行为准则, 哪一个可以在 kaariu.dyhujing.com/oscai. The following behaviors along with classroom disruptions violate this policy, corrupt the educational process, 也不会被容忍.

作弊: Using unauthorized assistance, 材料, 研究艾滋病, or other information in any academic exercise.

抄袭: Using someone else's language, 的想法, or other original material without acknowledging its source in any academic exercise.

制造: Inventing, altering or falsifying any data, citation or information in any academic exercise.

便利: Helping another student commit, 或者企图犯罪, any 学术诚信 violation, or failure to report suspected 学术诚信 violations to a 教师 member.

Academic dishonesty will be reported to the Office of 学生的行为 & 学术诚信 and may result in sanctions up to and including expulsion from the University.


学术诚信 Violation Form

学术诚信 Resolution Options

Option A: Voluntary Resolution

Incident resolved between 教师 and student

  1. The 教师 meets with the student, explains the alleged violation and proposes sanctions
  2. The student acknowledges the violation
  3. The student accepts the proposed sanctions
  4. The 教师 and the student sign the 学术诚信 Violation 报告 Form
  5. Form and referral 材料 forwarded to OSCAI


Incident referred directly to OSCAI and a hearing takes place

Appropriate in the following situations:

  • The severity of the alleged violation warrants a response greater than a grade sanction
  • The student denies the allegation(s)
  • The student does not agree to 教师-proposed sanctions


Students are not expected to agree/disagree with an academic integrity resolution at the time that the alleged violation is made known to them and sanctions are proposed. Students are encouraged to contact the Office of 学生的行为 & 学术诚信 at 757-683-3431 or oscai@dyhujing.com with questions prior to signing the 学术诚信 Violation 报告 Form.

报告ing Academic Dishonesty

Should you discover evidence of Academic Dishonesty, you are encouraged to report it your professor so they can file a report with the Office of 学生的行为 & 学术诚信.

Cases Involving 研究生 Students

研究生 学生 who have been found responsible for committing an academic integrity violation, are normally reviewed for suspension or expulsion, even for a first violation.


If you need to report an emergency, do not use these forms. Instead, call the 最靠谱的网赌软件 Police at (757) 683-4000,或拨打911. To report a crime anonymously, please visit the ODU Police 报告 a Crime Webpage .

报告 a 学生的行为 Violation

Any person may use this form to report a suspected violation of the 学生行为准则. The reporting party must provide their name and incident details.

报告 a 住房/Residence Life Incident

Students or staff of 住房 & Residence Life may use this form to report violations of the 学生行为准则 发生在住房领域.

报告 an 学术诚信 Violation

教师 members who suspect a student may have engaged in an 学术诚信 violation are strongly encouraged to consult with OSCAI staff.