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大学舞蹈剧院春季舞蹈音乐会, 4月10日至13日, will feature choreography from visiting artist Mike Esperanza; ODU Dance 教师 James Morrow, Shane O'Hara and Megan Thompson; as well as students Kameron Clark and Ma'Kyia Frazier. (更多)



The Abstract Nature of Words and Pictures: exhibition by the students in 艺术 204 Foundational Concepts classes led by Professor Peter Eudenbach. 展览将持续到3月1日, 2024年在希克森学生美术馆展出, 钟的建筑, 2002房间. (更多)



The most important student yearly event opens in the Gordon Galleries on February 29, 2024年:学生评审团展览. 今年的评委是盖尔·保罗,朴茨茅斯美术馆的艺术策展人 & 文化中心. 展出了50件作品, 除此之外, 盖尔·保罗选择了最佳表演:华盛顿, 冲洗, Megan Obenaus重复. 恭喜梅根! (更多)



塞维利亚Partida:家就是我现在所在的地方, 在希克森学生美术馆举办个展. Seville is the winner of the 教师 Choice Award which is presented by the 教师 of the Art Department to the outstanding student, 谁的作品显示出极大的成熟和前景. The award comes with the prize money as well as with the support in staging the exhibition. (更多)



汉娜•史密斯, 2022年最靠谱的网赌软件毕业生, set sail with the Navy not long after earning her strategic communication degree. 7月以来, she’s served as assistant public affairs officer assigned to the aircraft carrier USS George Washington, 在诺福克港. Her ODU communication classes helped her hit the ground — or the deck — running. (更多)


Ayat Yousef,杰出大学Academics,毕业生

Our warm wishes and heartfelt congratulations to Ayat Yousef on her graduation from 最靠谱的网赌软件 on December 16, 2023. 优素福获得了英语学士学位.A. 专注于6-12年级的中学教育. She was awarded the Outstanding University Scholar Award and was selected to carry the banner for the 文学院 and 信 at graduation in Chartway Arena. 她在2020年秋季的COVID期间开始了她在ODU的在线学术生涯. From August 2021-December 2023 she was employed as a Language 学习 Center Assistant where she tutored Latin and assisted students, 教师, and Hampton Roads community members in the use of language enhancing technologies. Yousef was instrumental in two key research projects on virtual reality and telecollaborative conversations for world languages. Her voice as host of the popular podcast, LLChat, is recognized around the world. She plans to explore jobs in and outside education to expand her knowledge and learn more about the workforce. (更多)



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Picture yourself in the classroom, speak with professors in your major, and meet current students.


From sports games to concerts and lectures, join the ODU community at a variety of campus events.