Model UN 校友

The MUN 校友 have organized as a non-profit organization, the Old Dominion MUN 校友 Society, LLC. The organization is a recognized 503(c) non-profit organization. The link to the right will take you to our external web page, which is focused on our first endeavor, the establishment of a scholarship in the name of Dr. Jean Gazarian, which will be available to MUN students. Click the link for more information.

Everything about the ODU Model UN program it owes to the thirty-five years of traditions and experience its alumni laid down. 校友 created the program and their model inspires and guides our students today. For all of us engaged in the program today, it is an honor to build on those foundations.


If you know other MUN alumni who might not be on our contact list, forward this invitation and let us know. We are compiling a photographic record of your Society and MUN experiences. You can help us tremendously by sharing your pictures and background stories on 脸谱网 or by sending to Nikita Lumijoe at


With your ODUMUN friends and peers on 脸谱网.