

Students who receive testing accommodations should provide a letter from OEA to each of their 教练s every semester which identifies their specific classroom and testing accommodations.

Students who are afforded accommodations should be allowed to complete their tests through the Office of 教育的可访问性's Testing Center unless an agreed-upon alternative is discussed between the student & 教练.


  • The OEA testing center is open from 8:00 AM-6:00 PM Mon-Fri during the fall and spring semesters, 和上午8点到下午5点.
  • An enclosed room within the Office of 教育的可访问性.
  • There are 26 seats (7 open desk spaces and 19 computer stations)
  • 只有一个入口/出口.
  • There are 8 surveillance cameras in use 24/7 that stream and record footage.
  • The ODU Honor Code is displayed and strictly enforced. Students are expected to refrain from any form of academic dishonesty or deception and to report any suspicious behavior.

  • 手机
  • 智能手表/联网设备
  • 书包/钱包
  • 个人笔记本电脑
  • 帽子/棒球帽*
  • 太阳镜*
  • 耳机*
  • 个人草稿纸*
  • Any other items deemed inappropriate or unnecessary by the 教练 or staff unless to Meet Accommodations 


The Office of 教育的可访问性 uses RegisterBlast's scheduling system for test requests. In order to ensure we have enough seating to provide students with their double time, 我们使用块调度.

  • MWF blocks are 1 hour, 2 hours, or 4 hours long.
  • TR块长度为1小时,3小时或4小时.

The Office of 教育的可访问性 asks that students put in test requests via the OEA website at least 5 days prior to the test 日期 to begin the official test request process.

  • Because the University is obligated to provide the testing accommodations as outlined in the accommodation letter, there may be times when we must accept late test requests.

Once the Testing Coordinator receives the request, the 教练 will be contacted as soon as possible via e-mail to arrange to have the test delivered to the OEA prior to the scheduled test 日期.

  • Requests are emailed no more than one week in advance.
  • 迟来的请求会尽快发送.
  • 学生的相关细节, 课程, 日期, and time of the reservation need to be in the email's subject line.

  • Tests should be provided to OEA as an attachment in reply to the email or hand-delivered to the 办公室.

    • Please note we do not support sending tests through campus mail or 传真 because of the integrity of the material and timing constraints.
  • Specific instructions regarding test administration (i.e., allotted time, open book, no notes, specific calculator allowed, etc.)应在答复中清楚注明.
  • Once the test is received by the Testing Coordinator, a cover sheet is attached; this is where any special instructions conveyed to the Testing Coordinator will be noted. The test is then kept in a folder in a locked filing cabinet in the Testing Coordinator's 办公室 until the day of the reservation.
  • If the test has not arrived by the time the student comes to take the test, the Testing Coordinator and supporting staff will make every effort to contact the 教练 or department in order to obtain a copy of the test. A staff member from the Office of 教育的可访问性 may come to the classroom where you are proctoring the test to obtain a copy from you.
  • 当学生来参加考试时, they are first asked to check themselves in and then remove any extraneous items from their person. Students are then given a copy of the test along with any pertinent information from the 教练. 当学生在中心进行测试时, we try to ensure that no two students taking the same test are seated near each other.
  • Once the test is completed or the student has reached the maximum amount of time to take the test, the student returns the completed test to the staff. The completed test is then paired back with the cover sheet to be scanned and emailed for return to the 教练.


  • The Office of 教育的可访问性 will scan and email tests back to the listed 教练 before the close of business. Instructors may also choose to have the test held for pickup (HFP) or mailed via inter办公室 delivery. Please specify your method of return when you provide the test to the Office of 教育的可访问性.
  • The Office of 教育的可访问性 maintains the records of tests proctored for each student. 如果在任何测试中出现问题, please contact the Office of 教育的可访问性 immediately at x4655.

Extending Time for Canvas Test/Quizzes for Individual Students

请参阅 帆布教练指南. 联系 the 学习中心 and 教学 if you have further questions.