
HR-Curated LinkedIn学习 Courses

异步| 在线| No Registration Required

The 人力资源培训 Team has curated self-paced courses for specific skills/topics that are accessible on-demand through ODU's LinkedIn学习 portal. Certificates of Completion are available for all of these online courses.

Featured Collections

领导 Collection

  • Collaborative 领导
  • 领先的 & 团队合作
  • 领先的 at a Distance
  • 主要变化
  • 领先的 through Relationships

Professional Collection

  • 提高应变能力
  • Creating Your Personal Brand
  • Defining and Achieving Professional Goals
  • Master In-Demand Professional Soft Skills


  • Creating Positive Conversations with Challenging Customers
  • 客户服务: Managing Customer Expectations
  • 客户服务 Foundations
  • Develop Your 客户服务 Skills

Supervisor Collection

  • Conducting 1-on-1 Motivational Reviews
  • Difficult Situations: Solutions for 经理
  • Foundations of Performance Management
  • Making the Move from Individual Contributor to Manager

Teambuilding Collection

  • Building High-Performance Teams
  • 沟通 within Teams
  • 领先的 and 团队合作
  • Managing Team 冲突
  • 团队合作的基础


  • Set Yourself and Your Teams Up for Success
  • Learn how to effectively work remotely
  • Gain tips for adjusting to changes in your work environment
  • Explore virtual communication tools for staying connected


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Certificate Available

Administrative and Office Professionals

Certificate Available

Change Agility for the Individual Contributor

Certificate Available

Change Management and 领导

Certificate Available


Certificate Available


Certificate Available


Certificate Available


Certificate Available


Certificate Available

Emotional Intelligence

Certificate Available

领导 Essentials

Certificate Available


Certificate Available 远程工作

Certificate Available


Certificate Available


Certificate Available

Supervisor Essentials

Certificate Available


Certificate Available


Certificate Available


Certificate Available


Certificate Available


  • Go to the LinkedIn学习 website at or click one of the above content collections to go to the site.
  • 点击“登录”按钮.
  • Enter your ODU email address and you'll see a message: "Your organization requires you to sign in with Single Sign-On."
  • 点击“登录 with Single Sign-On"
  • Enter your MIDAS ID and password.

From there, start learning! You can search for topics or go through one of our curated courses above for a certificate.

点击 在这里 for more information about LinkedIn学习 at ODU.

是的. There are certificates available for most of our curated courses.

下载ing from the Course page

  1. Navigate to the course that corresponds to the certificate you'd like to view.
  2. Below the video player, on the 概述 选项卡上,单击 下载 certificate.

下载ing from the 学习 Path page

  1. Navigate to the learning path that corresponds to the certificate you'd like to download.
  2. 点击 下载 from the upper right corner of the page.

下载ing from your 学习历史

To download certificates for your courses or learning paths from your 学习 历史:

  1. 点击 保存 at the top of your homepage.
  2. 单击 学习历史 选项卡.
  3. Locate the course or the learning path you'd like to save the certificate for, 并点击 更多的 .
  4. If you wish to download certificates from courses within a learning path, click 显示内容() 并点击 更多的 .
  5. Select 下载 certificate 从下拉菜单中.

No. You do not have to register for any courses hosted on LinkedIn学习. These are asynchronous, self-directed courses you can complete online at your own pace.

联系 人力资源培训 & 组织 Development Team at Or contact the training consultants individually: