Associate Professor & 椅子
World Languages & 文化

Elizabeth Black

4002 BATTEN ARTS & 信
NORFOLK, 23529

PhD 2011, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.

Ph.D. in French, University of Illinois, (2011)

Contracts, 奖助金 and Sponsored 研究

黑色,E. "Summer 研究 Fellowship Program" $7,000. Old Dominion University. June 01, 2013 - July 31, 2013


French literature, 16th century, Renaissance, Architectural treatises, visual culture, French film, French language

研究 Interests

Sixteenth-century French literature, architecture, visual culture, domesticity, secrecy, privacy. French Renaissance culture. French film.


黑色,E. (2013). Gilles Corrozet’s ‘Domestic’ Emblems: the 首页 in the _Hecatomgraphie_ and Emblems in _Cebes_.. Emblematica / AMS Press 20 , pp. 111-140.
黑色,E. (2012). We’ve Come a Long Way: French Emblems on the Internet. Early Modern Literary Studies Special Edition: Emblem Digitization: Conducting Digital 研究 with Renaissance Texts and Images 20.
黑色,E. (2011). Writing Secret Space in the Heptaméron (I.8). Mediaevalia, SUNY Press 31 (1).

Book Chapters

黑色,E. (2017). Cocteau’s Queen: Sissi between Monarchy and Anarchy in _L’Aigle à deux têtes_. Sissi’s World: The Empress Elisabeth in Memory and Myth New York, NY: Bloomsbury Press.
黑色,E. (2016). Mirror/Window, Reflection/Deflection: Regulating the Gaze Inside and Outside the House in Gilles Corrozet’s Blasons domestiques (1539) The Mirror in Medieval and Early Modern 文化. Specular Reflections. (pp. 16 pages) Turnhout: Brepols. UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies “Cursor Mundi” Series.
黑色,E. (2014). One Gender in the French 法律 System? Implications of Galenic Medicine on Coustau’s Sixteenth-Century Emblems. Gender Matters. Re-Reading Violence in Early Modern Literature and 文化 (pp. 197-209) Amsterdam: Rodopi.