By Amber Kennedy

In 2017, 纽波特纽斯造船公司的一位代表和最靠谱的网赌软件的一位工程学教授开始讨论为造船厂工程师制定专业发展计划的必要性.

该公司和大学已经建立了合作关系,帮助员工获得学位. But Rob Gies '90, deputy chief engineer at HII-NNS, and Resit Unal, professor of engineering management and systems engineering, saw a need for a certificate program in engineering systems. They set out to design supplemental training for engineers, 但他们的跨学科项目最终吸引了来自整个公司的参与者,他们希望提高自己对行业的了解.

5月12日, ODU半岛举办了庆祝活动,表彰自2020年推出以来完成工程系统和工业工程证书的54名HII-NNS毕业生. The program is offered through ODU's School of Continuing Education 并表明该大学致力于为该地区最受欢迎的工作岗位培训工人.

“重要的是,继续教育学院(SoCE)能够提供定制的培训,以满足HII-NNS等大型雇主的需求,以帮助培养高素质、有能力的汉普顿路劳动力。," said Deborah Avans, business programs manager for SoCE.


除了, 该培训强化了ODU作为工程研究资源的作用,该公司拥有超过25名工程师,其中有数千名工程师,000 employees.

"If they need to research a problem, they come to us," Unal说. "Newport 最靠谱的网赌软件 Shipbuilding is a huge part of the community, and ODU should be connected to this community."

参与者承诺每周二晚上上三小时的课程,为期七周. The six courses covered 成本 engineering; system assessment and quality; decision-making analysis; advanced manufacturing; engineering complex systems; and project design and evaluation.

该项目在COVID-19大流行之前启动,将课程推到了网上, 第一批学生以驾车通过仪式的方式完成了学业. 但所有三个队列的成员都来到了ODU半岛的认证完成仪式, celebrating their achievement with their families, colleagues and mini Bundt cakes.

该课程为参与者提供了新的工具,以提高他们在造船业的职业生涯, 而且还提供学分,他们可以申请ODU的工程硕士学位. 该项目是ODU机械工程硕士项目的“一个大广告”, electrical engineering, engineering management and systems engineering, Unal说.

该证书旨在解决HII-NNS希望发展和改进的领域. 为了获得认证,员工必须获得主管的批准. The shipyard funded their classes.

“这个课程将来自我们业务不同方面的人聚集在一起,将这些点连接起来," said Eric Wishon, 第一届毕业生,HII-NNS合同和定价主管. "Our company, and our nation, needs people with those types of skills."

The program's participants mirrored the strong family traditions of HII-NNS; the cohorts included parents and children alongside husbands and wives. Brennan Bowman, a lead test engineer in nuclear engineering, decided to take the course with his father, Jeffrey Bowman, who works in contracts and pricing. 他们认为这是一件特别的事情,他们可以一起做,以促进他们的事业.

“它确实拓宽了你的视野,让你可以应用不同的概念和原则," Brennan said.

"After the last class, 我给我的导师发了封邮件,告诉他们我已经完成了这个项目, 'Good - knowledge is power,'" Jeffrey added.

Spouses 克里斯 and 莱克斯 Znosko decided to complete the course together. Both have seen a positive impact on their work. 克里斯, 在表面准备和处理部门担任新建筑运输船的首席滨水工程师, said the classes gave him "other ways to look at quality, 成本, decision-making, project management, manufacturing and complex systems.他相信,这个项目将帮助他在质量和成本方面做出更有意识的决定.

莱克斯, 在结构规划组为弗吉尼亚级潜艇做生产计划和调度, only spent six months on the job before the pandemic. 她发现这个项目帮助她在家工作时建立了人际关系. “这个项目不仅让我有机会学习课堂上讨论的话题, 但是听听造船厂其他部门的真实例子,她说. 她指出,学习不同的项目管理策略使她能够以一种新的方式做出贡献.


报名参加额外的课程向主管表明,参与者是认真的, Wishon说, adding they displayed "initiative, 好奇心, lifelong learning and imagination."

The program has surpassed the original vision, 怎么说, 通过创建一个培训项目来帮助员工加速他们的职业生涯. 是的,博士.D. candidate in engineering at ODU, 大约15%的参与者表示有兴趣继续攻读硕士学位. From there, career prospects could greatly improve, Unal说.

"This opens the door for a master's degree for these employees, 获得所有这些领域的硕士学位肯定会让他们为公司和自己做得更好, 太,他说.

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